Panther Trails – Olivia Scott


Olivia Scott

ISB Class: 2018

College: University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK


What career path are you pursuing?

My course is Geography with International development, hopefully working for an NGO in the future


How would you describe the transition from ISB to your new college?

Personally it was pretty hard because at ISB I liked to be involved in activities and sports however going into university it was quite scary trying out these different activities.


Do you feel ISB prepared you well for your college experience (both academically and socially)?

Academically yes, in terms of essay writing I feel like ISB prepared me very well compared to some of my peers. However test taking is a quite a bit different in terms of structure so I had to get used to it. Socially I have found it hard especially when most of my friends from ISB are across the world. But in your first year of university everyone’s new so it easy to start introductions.


What advice would you give to this year’s Seniors as they follow in your footsteps next year?

Understand that it’s okay not to have the perfect university life first year. I would see people’s posts on instagram and snapchat and be jealous if how great uni is for them and I felt like I was doing something wrong. For some people it takes longer, I am only finding my good friends now in March so don’t worry too much about everyone else’s life and focus on how to make sure you are happy in yours.


Any other thoughts to share?

Just be proud of being an international student. It is hard to explain that you casually went on a trip to Bhutan or played football in Taiwan but try not to let people make you feel bad about the travels you have been on. They make for some amazing stories and experiences that you are lucky to have had.