The Addams Family Retrospective

The Addams Family Retrospective

With The Addams Family receiving such stellar reviews from the ISB community, we decided here at PantherNation that we would ask two of  the cast members, Charlie McCracken and Isabel Armitage, to reflect on their experience of participating in the play and challenges they came across.

As Seniors about to graduate, The Addams Family marks the second last time they will take the stage at ISB.  Here’s what they had to say…

What surprised people about this show?

“How funny the show was.  The school hasn’t had a good comedy in a long time and so I think this surprised everyone” Charlie McCracken (12).

Why did you want to be involved in this production?

“I was always interested in acting but never took part in any shows, I thought trying out for Addams would help me decide if I liked it… I loved it” Charlie McCracken (12) .

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What’s challenging about bringing this script to life?

“Comedic timing, the show is a comedy and lines had to be said perfectly for them to be funny” Charlie McCracken (12).

Was it hard cooperating with everyone?

“No! Not at all, everyone was so easy to talk to and cooperate with” Charlie McCracken (12).

How were the practices? long hours?

“The closer the show came the longer hours we would have rehearsing, although very fun, it was exhausting. Many rehearsals lasted 8 hours on weekends” Charlie McCracken (12).

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Did you get to know new people?

“By the end of the show I got to know everyone so well and made so many new friends” Izzy Armitage (12).

How was participating in the Addams family?

“It was an amazing and life changing experience. I will never forget the show, it increased my confidence in acting and helped me develop friendships that will last for life” Izzy Armitage (12).


Xanthe Schaub (10)