Alaina Pinvises
ISB Class: 2018
College: Brigham Young University, Provo
What career path are you pursuing?
I am majoring in Physiology and Developmental Biology, as a pre-med major, on a path to pursuing a profession as an ER doctor.
How would you describe the transition from ISB to your new college?
The transition was definitely not always ideal from ISB to college. As gorgeous and fun as my campus is, it was definitely hard to leave behind the pad-thai, and the phenomenal faculty.
Do you feel ISB prepared you well for your college experience (both academically and socially)?
Academically, ISB taught me a strong work ethic and discipline that has helped me in my studies. Also, socially ISB has prepared me more than I anticipated in this area, as I have been able to quickly make friends and connect with all sorts of people from all cultures, because of the diverse environment that ISB has.
What advice would you give to this year’s Seniors as they follow in your footsteps next year?
Honestly, high school is rigorous and busy, and college is the same, but it is so rewarding and fun. High school goes by so quickly so enjoy every minute of it. Enjoy the IASAS’s, the Cultural Conventions, the BISAC tournaments, the extended essays and just being around wonderful people and a wonderful culture.