ISB Wrapped 2022! (music taste)

Top Five Genres

  1. Pop: 55.6%

  2. Rock / Rap (tied): 33.8% each

  3. Indie: 29.6%

  4. Hip-hop: 21.8%

  5. Electronic: 18.3%

Honorable Mentions: Folk, Country, Classical, Jazz

Top Artists

  • Taylor Swift
  • Kanye West
  • Doja Cat
  • The Weekend
  • Harry Styles

Honorable Mentions: Justin Bieber, Kendrick Lamar

“Tell us why you like your favorite artist/song.”

“She’s an excellent song writer, and for that reason her songs span quite a large range of tones, themes, and melodies. Since there is such variety, I feel like I can find a specific song to fit a specific mood I’m in.”

“Any of the songs or artists I like have elements that articulate what I want to say or how I feel or think.”

“I just think their music is really cool and has good stories behind them… they are really good people and help make people who listen to their music and/or fans of them feel safe and loved when people listen to their music. They also show their support for communities that their fans may be a part of, from the lgbtq+ community to black lives matter movement… Overall they are just good people and they have and do help a lot of people out just by existing and doing what they love to do.”

“Because her music gives me confidence.”

“I enjoy her music because she explores many genres and experiments with everything. I love everything that she stands for.”

“He makes all his songs and literally all of them are good, he never misses.”

“They are so good because when you feel like jamming out you can jam and they have sad songs too for when you’re in your feels.”

“I like the contents of the song i.e the lyrics that they write. It is very meaningful and relatable.”

“They have inspired and changed the way many artists look at music production.”

“Reflects my emotional attitudes.”

“She IS the music industry. She makes music for every single emotion and brings out emotions you didn’t even know you had. perfect to scream, laugh, cry, dance, and do anything to.”

“They have songs for all the vibes.”

+ more!

Average Time Spent Listening to Music

Top Four Listening Platforms

  1. Spotify: 75.4%
  2. Youtube: 46.5%
  3. Apple Music: 16.2%
  4. Soundcloud: 8.5%

Honorable Mentions: CDs, vinyl, Amazon Music