Pet Ownership During COVID-19

The popularity of dogs has soared amid the spread of the coronavirus, as many people are seeking dogs for comfort in their homes during the lockdown. Owners can exercise and interact with dogs as a buffer against stress during this difficult time, as well as contribute to reducing shelter populations by adopting these animals.The lockdown has provided an opportunity for many abandoned shelter dogs to find a home, bringing physical and mental benefits for both humans and animals.
A Dog is Not Just For Lockdown
On the other hand, due to the gradual easing of the coronavirus lockdown, there have been cases of irresponsible owners returning their dogs after the lockdown, some abandoning and malnourish them. The Dogs Trust warns, “We really need people to think about what might happen on the other side of this outbreak when people are hopefully back to their usual routines and have other commitments.”
It is common for an owner to get caught up in the excitement of getting a new dog and expect too much from their dog. As a result of underestimating the consequences, they say that they underestimate the consequences and be overwhelmed after realizing the unexpected difficulties of adjusting with a new dog. Some dogs might lose their puppy appeal that owners found cute. It is important to prepare resources and knowledge about the dog they are adopting, as well as being emotionally ready to face any sudden challenges. Here are three overlooked aspects of adopting a dog.
Understanding your dog’s breed

Since each breed has its own personality, it is important to choose carefully according to the owner’s lifestyle and current circumstances. For example, some dog breeds are more likely to bark or shed than others. Some might be better with children or require more exercise. During lockdown, Labrador Retrievers and Border Collies are recommended for energetic families, while Bulldogs and Dachshunds are fit for couch potato owners. In the general view, it is also the owner’s responsibility to know what dogs cannot eat and take into account their dog’s specific personalities.
Being able to provide unexpected expenses
Other than the initial cost of buying a dog and the cost of daily necessities, there are high and unexpected pet costs that owners must respond to, such as extra vet bills, care for pets while traveling, or grooming costs. Being financially stable must be prioritized before anything else. According to the American Kennel Club, “The average first-year cost across all sizes is $3085. The average lifetime cost of raising a dog is $23,410.”
Long-term commitment
Many owners who adopt a puppy do not realize how big or active it will grow, or what diseases it might develop as it grows older. Although there are many cases in which owners return their pets due to unwanted behavior, it is fairly easy to train these domesticated animals with practice and patience. Raising a dog is just as serious as raising a child, and owners must dedicate their time and effort to take care of their dogs even after resuming their normal lives.

Think Twice About Your Responsibilities
People usually fall into the illusion that dogs only perform cute movements as what is seen on social media. Understanding the more serious side of adopting a dog can allow a stronger and lasting relationship between both the owner and the dog.
Dogs in Shelters During COVID-19
Dogs can easily become voiceless, innocent victims of irresponsible owners, and end up being abused, malnourished, and abandoned. It is important to keep in mind that because humans domesticated dogs as a species, we have the obligation to fully take care of them. Especially during this uncertain time, it is the owners’ duty to provide these adorable animals with equal comfort and love that they give us these pure animals give to us daily.