With IASAS Dance auditions coming up in 2 weeks, dancers at ISB are getting ready to showcase their talent. Many brilliant dancers left ISB last year and the dance team is looking for many new talented dancers to participate in this years IASAS dance. PantherNation got some insight from Miss Price ISB amazing dance instructor on what are her hopes for this years dance team.
Dancing is a creative way to express words without talking and there are many talented dancers in ISB who are great at it. Ms Price mentioned that “Auditions are more like workshops. It is for dancers to come and see what IASAS Dance is all about and work with other dancers that will be trying out. People can attend either one of the two days – though it is better if people commit to doing both because we will add on developments”.
What type of dancers are you looking for this year? “As always, we encourage dancers that are interested in more than one style of dance to come try out; usually that’ is hip hop or jazz + contemporary.”
What techniques are you working on this year for the dance team? The above styles are the most popular, but in addition to that, we expect dancers to be willing to work on some partnering or building group shapes & poses.
What are some things you are looking forward to from the new dancers? Lots of courage to try new things and creativity to share fresh ideas! Also it is great when dancers come in with additional arts backgrounds (film/photo, music, theater) to add a more sophisticated multi-arts perspective to the whole piece.
Is there anything you want to change from last year and make it better this year? If so what? Due to the new HL after school schedule, we are trying a new format this year. So rehearsals will require less time for the full ensemble, and give some focus to smaller quartets, duets, and even solos for PART of the work. Of course it is a 20-minute dance, so we WILL still have sections with everyone dancing together.
If you enjoy dancing come on November 7 & 8 to try out for IASAS dance! Monday is a full day from 3:15 – 4:45 with different dance styles, some improvisation games and then a choreography ‘task’ at the end of the day. Good Luck to all the dancers who are participating!
Xanthe Schaub (10)