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How My First SAT Ended in Disaster

A technical glitch with the Bluebook app affected not just ISB students but 10,000 other test takers around the world
How My First SAT Ended in Disaster

I was a few questions into tackling my last module — my legs shaking nervously under my desk as my eyes flicked between the ticking timer and my scratch paper, which was covered in frantic notes as I quickly eliminated answer choices to manage my time. My sweaty hands hovered over the calculator, double-checking answers before clicking through to the next question. I had finally started my last module — the final stretch of my first-ever SAT — when suddenly, my laptop flashed: “Congratulations! your test was submitted!” 

Celebratory confetti filled my screen. My heart dropped. Had I accidentally submitted my test? I immediately raised my hand, looking around the room in panic — except I wasn’t alone. The three other students in my exam room had the same stunned expression. Confusion turned into frustration as we sat in silence, instructed not to touch our laptops for over 30 minutes while our college counselor, Mr. Doug McQueen, contacted College Board — the organization responsible for administering the exam — hoping for an explanation. 

The SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized exam widely used for college admissions in the United States. The exam measures students’ reading, writing, and math skills, and is a key factor in many college applications. Some students, myself included, receive accommodations for testing due to learning differences or other needs. These accommodations can include extra time, breaks, etc. While these are meant to help level the playing field for all students, they also mean technical issues like the one we experienced on March 8 can have an even bigger impact. 

Of the 268,000 students who sat the SAT that day, 10,000 test takers (1,200 domestic and 8,800 international) were automatically exited from our exams long before we were meant to finish, according to College Board. “The issue that occurred to you happened all around Asia and parts of Europe and was a result of an issue with the Bluebook app,” Mr. McQueen explained in a March 9 email sent to us and our parents. 

College Board worked quickly to address the situation, issuing a statement on its website: “We deeply and sincerely apologize to the students who were not able to complete their tests, or had their test time interrupted, for the difficulty and frustration this has caused them and their families,” the organization wrote.

In an email sent to affected students, College Board outlined its next steps: a full refund for the March 8 SAT registration fee, a voucher for free registration for a future SAT, the option to either cancel or keep our scores from the March 8 exam, and a makeup test on March 22 for students whose testing sites were able to offer them.

Affected students were able to see our scores before everyone else, which doesn’t normally happen. However, if we chose to keep our scores, we wouldn’t be allowed to participate in the retake. This put us in a difficult position. Should we risk keeping an incomplete score, or have to sit through the SAT — which is two hours and 14 minutes for students without accommodations but longer for those with extra time accommodations — for the second time this month? 

The issue was completely out of ISB’s control, and our school’s faculty acted fast to make sure we had a solution. Thanks to Mr. McQueen’s immediate action and collaboration with College Board, ISB students were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to retake the exam on March 22. We are especially grateful, as not all students who experienced the glitch in other parts of the world were given this option.

For many students, including me, it was not just an inconvenient situation but also a mental and emotional setback. Many of us had prepared for weeks or even months for the specific test date, and we were asked to take the test all over again. 

We showed up again. We sat through the test again. And we did our best again. But I hope this never happens to another group of students. The SAT is stressful enough. I hope College Board understands the frustration and stress this situation has caused. Students like myself put in so much preparation for this exam, and a technical glitch shouldn’t be the reason our hard work and time is erased. 


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