Tedx Talks 2020 Are Coming!

ISB's Juniors Aim for Tedx Talks Event on January 23rd.

December 13, 2019

Over the past few weeks, ISB Juniors have been presenting their Tedx Talks in their classes.  The process of brainstorming a topic, writing, and editing began in late November, but now it is show time, as Juniors present in the hopes of becoming their class nominee for the official TedxYouth Talks @ International School Bangkok scheduled for January 23rd.

Current Senior Thomas Bulow hosted Tedx Talks 2019.

When asked “What are the long-term benefits for students that go through the whole Tedx Talk process?” Mr. Cohen, an IB English teacher, stated that it’s a project which forces “students to define a clear research question, investigate problems, and pose solutions.” Many juniors at ISB said that they love having the opportunity to participate in a large project where they can analyze anything they feel passionate about. He also said that “the project forces students to define a clear research question, investigate problems, and pose solutions.” Students must analyze a topic through an informational oral presentation while still sharing “their findings in a clear and engagingway.” Mr. Cohen claims “Mastering the skill set required to successfully write and deliver a Ted Talk prepares students in the long-term for the kind of work they will do in university, and eventually, in their careers.”

The theme for this year’s TEDx talks at ISB is “stand up and be counted”. “It’s about standing up for a topic that you care about and making a difference,” explained Mr. Giles, another IB English teacher. Lara Boloni, a Junior at ISB, said that she thinks “especially within today’s society, it’s important to be addressing and raising awareness about these topics.” Many juniors found it difficult to decide which topic they wanted to use but as Mr. Giles claimed: “the whole process of finding a topic worth talking about and then learning and researching is highly rewarding but also quite challenging for our students.” 

As for the process, Mr. Duffy stated “After everyone gives a speech to their classmates, the class votes, and one member of the class is nominated to perform at ISB’s 8th Annual Tedx Talk on January 23rd.  These are filmed, endorsed by the actual Tedx Talk Organization, and then posted to YouTube for all to see.” This prestigious selection offers a chance for the public to hear some of the best Tedx Talks from that year’s junior class.

It is also a great honour for the student – who wouldn’t want to have “I gave a Tedx Talk on the importance of gender tolerance” on their College Application forms!

Although the stress of writing Tedx Talks can seem impossible at times, the rewarding feeling of hearing your classmates clap and cheer will make it all worthwhile. In many ways, this assignment is one of the highlights (challenging as it is!) of the Junior year.  It may seem as though teachers are trying to put you under stress, but, as Mr. Duffy says, they actually “are so proud to see you rise to the occasion, as well the support and love you give each other with an assignment that seems to couple opportunity and anxiety!”  Thank you, Juniors, for rising to the challenge, and standing up to be counted!

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